Onesimus Ministry is a Bible based organization
Our non-profit is founded on the word of God. Jesus Himself loved and cared for those who were considered outcasts in the Bible. Regarding those who have been ostracized due to their past mistakes, we believe that we must look upon them with the heart of Christ.
The Bible says that the world is in a state of sin and destruction, separated from God. Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). With over 100 county jails, there are over 40 prisons operating in California, each housing many souls who need to hear the gospel, reflect on their lives, and be transformed. Jesus shed His blood on the cross for all of these individuals. They, too, need the love and mercy of Christ. It is for this mission that Jesus has called us.
Our mission was founded in 1994 by Pastor Kim Suk Ki. Since then, the Lord has enabled us to serve many incarcerated individuals and lead them to a new life through the gospel of Christ. In the future, our mission will continue to collaborate in healing the past wounds of many incarcerated brothers and sisters through the gospel, enabling them to become precious sons and daughters of God.

Onesimus Ministry Introduction
About Onesimus Ministry
Onesimus Ministy is based on the scripture from the New Testament, Philemon 1:11, which says, ‘Formerly he was useless to you, but now he has become useful both to you and to me.’ Onesimo was a young slave in the house of Philemon. He stole from his master and ran away, but in prison, he met Paul and came to know Jesus. Like one who was once unprofitable becoming useful to God and others, Onesimo eventually became a proclaimer of the gospel. Thus, Onesimo Mission Church is a pure gospel organization that spreads the gospel to those in jails and prisons, transforming them and making them useful to God, society, and their neighbors.
오네시모 선교회는 신약성경 빌레문서 1장 11절의 “저가 전에는 네게 무익하였으나 이제는 나와 네게 유익하게 되었느니라” 라는 말씀에 근거한 것으로 오네시모는 빌레몬 집의 젊은 노예였습니다. 그는 주인의 물건을 훔쳐 달아나고, 감옥에서 바울을 만나 예수를 알게 되었으며 무익했던 한 인간이 하나님과 이웃에게 유익한 자가 되어 결국 복음을 전하는 자가 된 것처럼 Jail 과 Prison 에 있는 사람들에게 복음을 전파하여 이들을 뱐화 시키고 하나님과 사회와 이웃에게 유익한 자로 세우는 순수 복음 단체입니다.

Suk Ki Kim

Daniel Esteban Mendez
Onesimus Ministry San Luis, R.C. Mexico | Onesimus School of Theology San Luis, R.C. Mexico | Onesimus Jail and Prison Ministry San Luis, R.C. Mexico

Onesimus Ministy Tijuana Mexico

Edgar Boris
Onesimus Ministry, Columbia

Sang K. Chun
North California Onesimus Prison Ministry

John Choi

Manuel Xolo
Onesimus Ministry Veracruz, Mexico

Onesimus Ministry, Haiti

Myung C. Kim
Onesimus School of Theology San Luis, R.C. Mexico

Board of directors